Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cyber bullying Poster project

Cyber bulling is not okay, 
One in every five people are bullied over Social media.
Also known as "Cyber bulling". Instead of "RT" everything
why dont you stand up and stop all the bullying.
Be the person people look up to and thank, dont just be a bystander. Talk to someone, Tell people, stand up!

"While your phone is buffering, people are suffering"
 I have learned that making a Poster requires a lot of though and effort. In my opinion you should always follow "C.R.A.P".

Edited and Designed by: Mona Garcia
Creative ideas: helped by Andres Uribe
Slogen: helped by Gloria McIntush

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

C . R . A . P
: (Contrast) - Two different elements, that go against each other, such as Orange and blue, black and white, red and green.. etc.

R : (Repetition) - Have a certain pattern, try to keep everything alike.

A : (Alignment) - Have everything in a certain order, so you can stay organized, otherwise your blog / poster, wont look as neat.

P : (Proximity) - Focus on one major part of your poster / image, so then you can capture the audiences attention.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015